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Immunohistochemistry Services

Immunohistochemistry (IHC), which utilizes monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to detect specific antigens in situ, is a very powerful tool for imaging discrete components in tissues.

The science of IHC is evolving, as evidenced by the development of increasingly sophisticated automated staining platforms, production of specific antibodies against a wide range of species, and the availability of a range of novel biomarkers.

IHC studies with optimized staining protocols for specific target expression/profiling in human and animal tissues can be used for a variety of reasons, such as proliferation/apoptosis studies, immuno-oncology, tumor profiling and tissue cross reactivity.

Creative Bioarray has highly trained and knowledgeable staff that work with investigators to provide the best approach to meet the goals of the project. We have hundreds of established antibody protocols on various species, and we are constantly optimizing additional antibodies.

  • We have a range of immunohistochemical markers that are optimized for use on paraffin-embedded tissue (see list below). Many of the markers are compatible with frozen sections but the use of frozen sections should be discussed with our pathologists.
  • We provide antibody "workup" services to test novel or untried antibodies on your tissue of interest. When optimizing new antibodies, it is helpful to discuss fixation options with a pathologist prior to tissue collection.
  • Fluorescent detection methods are available for single and multiple label staining. Detection methods should be discussed with our pathologists.

Creative Bioarray has invested in innovation through a fully equipped histopathology laboratory. We offer: 

See Our Currently Available Antibodies

ActinAdipophilinAE1/AE3 (pancytokeratin)Alpha-Fetoprotein
CD23CD25CD274 (PD-L1)CD3
CD45R (B220)CD5CD56CD57
CDX2Chromogranin ACK18C-kit (CD117)
Claudin-3COX2Cyclin D1Cytokeratin
F4/80Factor VIIIFIPVFoxp3
GlucagonGranzyme BHER2HMGB1
IBA1InsulinKi-67Lambda light chains
LamininLY6GMAC 387Mac-2
Myeloperoxidase (MPO)MyoglobinNeuron specific enolaseNeuronal nuclei
p63PancytokeratinPapillomavirusParathyroid hormone
PCNAPDCD1 (PD-1)PDX-1Phospho-Akt
Phospho-histone H2A.XPNAPNL-2S100
Thyroid transcription factor (TTF-1)TIM-3TNF-αTRP-1
TRP-2Tyrosine hydroxylaseVEGFVEGF
Von Willebrand Factor

Immunofluorescence and antibody validation for IHC not listed are available upon request. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Common IHC Applications

  • Visualize cells that are not visible on standard H&E
  • Detect and measure cell proliferation
  • Characterize immune cells
  • Evaluate the relationship between immune cells and tumor cells
  • Assess on-target or off-target binding of an antibody drug
  • Study drug metabolism
  • Determine specific location of the proteins in tissue samples
  • Visualize a reporter gene product such as Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)
  • Track human stem cells xenografted into animal models that are used to study their fate

We have extensive experience testing antibodies in both human and animal tissues. Contact us to arrange a consultation.

Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Inquiry
For research use only. Not for any other purpose.
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